September 2021
Howdy All!
The good news is that Hurricane Ida steered away from us. Of course, the bad news is that it wreaked havoc from New Orleans to the East Coast. Keep all of those in and along the affected area in your prayers. Also, remember those recovery workers who are in the area and helping.
As you know, we were originally scheduled to provide meals for a Team Rubicon team of recovery workers who were going to be at Missions Ranch for Missions on Wheels September 10th and 11th. Those workers are currently part of the recovery effort and that event will be rescheduled. Thank you to those that volunteered to serve for this event. Keep Missions on Wheels and their leader Mike Costello in your prayers for safety and good health! You can follow their efforts on Facebook.
The Cookers have been asked to serve 250 breakfast tacos at the Faith Center on September 19th when the Bishop comes to re-dedicate our campus. We will prepare the tacos the day before and reheat them Sunday morning. The following people have volunteered to assist with making the tacos on Saturday, September 18th at 3:00 PM in the Faith Center Kitchen: Pat Herring, Marylyn Schultz, Donna Carr, Dave Bartell, Dotty Bartell, Jan Freeman, Steve Freeman.
The following people have volunteered to assist with distribution of the tacos in the Faith Center from 9:30 - 10:30 on Sunday, September 19th: Pat Herring,
Donna Carr, Anna Richards, Jan Freeman, Steve Freeman.
On Saturday, October 9th we will be serving lunch at God's Garage to the staff and ladies attending the Life Skills Class. As part of their social outreach, the young ladies of the Legacy Christian Academy Cheer Squad will be working with us to make and serve the lunch bags. We will need a couple of volunteers to assist us with this event. The following people have volunteered to help that day: Steve Freeman, Jan Freeman, Pat Herring, and Jim Larson.
On Saturday, October 23rd we will be participating once again in the MUMC Trunk or Treat Event sponsored by MUMC Children's Ministries. We will be breaking out our grill trailer to prepare and serve 600 hotdogs, chips, cookies, and drinks. We will need several Cookers and Wranglers to make this as successful as it has been in the past! So far, the following people have volunteered to assist with this effort: Marylyn Schultz, Jim Larson, Dave Bartell, Dotty Bartell, and Anna Richards. We need several more people to make this a success! Please let me know if you are available for this event.
To close out October, we have been asked to provide 100 sack lunches that will be prepared at the Faith Center Kitchen, and then served at Lewis Park on Saturday, October 30th when Compassion United holds their Breakfast in the Park event. We will meet early at the church to prepare the bags, and then transport them to the park for service at 9:30 AM. The following people have volunteered to help with this event: Marylyn Schultz, Donna Carr, Mike Fulton, Jim Larson, Anna Richards, Steve Freeman, and Jan Freeman.
If you would like to help with any of the above events, please let me know! Again, thank you all for your support and willingness to serve!
Steve Freeman