Kids Ministry

At MUMC, we strive to create a safe environment that engages children through song, bible stories, and crafts so they feel encouraged to ask questions and learn to have passion for loving and serving Jesus. Children are precious and they play an important role in the church. Their abundance of energy and joy encourages the congregation to be filled with excitement to explore our faith and find ways to become involved in the community and share the love of God.

With open arms, we welcome all children to attend the programs offered at MUMC.

Contact: (ph) 936-597-6162



Drop-off begins at 9:45am.

Nursery is available for children 3and under during the 10:00 service.

Children's Church

10:00am - Check-in and drop off your child in the children's church area. For ages 4 years old - 5th grade.


Our Wednesday evening programming will resume September 4.

Summer Events